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sonic goes to pc store and rob

A game about me and how i hate myself #platform

STORY: Toolstony decided to make a game about him because he is narcissist but the Anti-meme-robot destroys the PC! AND THE FU... OK CALM DOWN , THE STORE IS IN THE OTHER PART OF THE CITY BUT YOU CAN MADE IT SO START RUNNING IDIOT #adventure #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

A little sneak peak about a possible trophy meccanic

the very alpha build is out , read the description and if the commands don't work try clicking on the character

changed engine in construct 3

the game is going to have trophies , i actually added one but you cannot see it because is hidden

since the game will take a lot i decided to start working on a scratch build to see if the concept works

changed the game engine with unity because of texture bugs with the godot engine

sprite sheet that i will use for me because my profile picture is always a sonic one so i think this makes sense

The engine for the game will be godot , a very cool 2d engine